
Monday, February 23, 2009

Little Marvin Martian

OK, first off, let me say that I apologize because the image is a little blury. :( I didn't realize and I would happily take another photo, BUT I gave this card to my friends son for his 3rd birthday and it is gone.... so, you'll just have to live with it! ;)

So now you know why I made this card. I wanted to make him something with a monkey on it since the party theme was Curious George picked by him, but I only have one monkey stamp and I loaned it to his mom so she could make thank you cards with it, what is a girl to do?! I figured he would be just as happy with a spaceship and a little martian.

I have to tell you that I had a really difficult time with this card. I knew I wanted to use these two stamps and have the spaceship be the A in blast, but what? Mostly it was the layout that killed me. Finally (after about an hour with this and the party being the next day), I just said, enough is enough! Maybe if I had time to put it down and look again later or next day, but I didn't. And actually, I like the card and think it turned out OK.

So we went to the party with this in tow and a present. My daughter (with my help) made a big S inside for Samo (the birthday boy) or it could be a "from Sophie" kind of S, or perhaps both! :) My daughter is only 16 months old, so she was pretty content to play by herself, but I tell you that party was wild!

Once everyone arrived (the kids were already playing inside) we all had some food, pizza for the kids and Peruvian for the adults- yum! Then outside to ride around in the Power Wheels Escalade- whoa! Samuel got this for Christmas from his dad as a sort of, "good-bye big presents" item- they are expecting a little sister in July, so Samo won't be an only any more... Anyway, all the kids wanted to ride, except Sophie, what did she care right (again only 16 mos)? But Samo wanted her to ride. :) So we finally got her in and strapped her in. Samo promised to go slow. I think she was amused by it. The funny part is that Ana (my friend) and I joke about having Sophie and Samo get married. So here they are in the Escalade, she has her arm over the side and it just looks like the man is takin' his lady for a ride doesn't it (pic below). I just thought it was so funny, like they are just, "pimpin' their ride!"

Anyway, that is just about the most long winded blog I have ever posted and now I am pooped! :) Hope you have a good day.

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