Today is a work day, so unfortunately we don't have the whole day, but this afternoon her daddy and I are taking her to the Aquarium. She will love that. We also got her a tricycle, her first pedal bike! I can't wait for all that. In the meantime, she is at daycare with her new Elmo shirt on (I wanted to get a photo but we always rush about in the am and she was a bit grumpy) and will enjoy some cupcakes today that I whipped up last night.
These cupcakes are nothing big, just mini ones from a box mix (no super mom here) but I asked her what color icing she wanted and she said blue- so that is what the girl got. Of course there is one special cupcake you see has Elmo! That is this year's birthday theme since she loves elmo. I made the little guy with some punches (scallop circle punch, 1/2" circle punch, larger circle from the crop-a-dial, word window punch for the nose, part of 1 3/8" circle for the mouth- I also cut a little of the red to go over the mouth like Elmo's fur and dimensionals behind the eyes and nose) and put it around a toothpick.
I hope Sophie has a fun day with her friends today, and a fun evening. The big party is this weekend when we are going to the Children's museum. Guess what they have there...ELMO!!! There is currently a sesame street exhibit, perfect. I like Elmo, as long as there are no signing, tickling, talking versions of him in my house. ;) Have a great day.
I can't believe she is already two! Happy Birthday Sophie~