
Friday, January 29, 2010

Sophie's Potty Chart

At home, we are in the midst of potty training with our daughter. We aren't wanting to push it too much, but she goes potty every afternoon at daycare so we know she can do it. I thought a little positive reinforcement might be good and I was thinking about buying some sort of potty chart at the store. Yesterday durring my blurfing I came across a potty chart on the SunnyStampin blog by Sophia (Andrea's, the blog owner's, sister). Ding, ding, ding- great idea! A light bulb goes off above my head, I can make one too, no need to buy one! So last night I went home and whipped this up.

I still have to come up with the "stickers" for each circle, which should be easy, but I can't decide whether I should use butterflies or flowers, what do you think? I'll use the two way glue pen to have them stick temporarily- brilliant! Once I have this up, every she reaches the end of the row, she'll get a prize. I am hoping when she is older we can use it as a chore chart. Let's just hope it works. :)


  1. Super cute, Katie! It's adorable. Good luck!

  2. beautiful!! I think butterflies would definitely be adorable so that they hover above the flowers on the DP. Although whichever you choose will look adorable.

    Sophia L & Anrea W

  3. LOVE this!! I think the new Beautiful Wings butterfly embosslit would look great around the flowers!! TFS

  4. How about Dragonflies...I'm partial, that's another story for another time.

    Yes The scallop square, and the seems out, it does look pretty on the inside too.

  5. This looks great! I like the idea of butterflies! I'm not sure how Soph is with stickers, Ash loves them. The potty chart we have been using has magnets... only problem A has a fit if she can't have more than 1!

  6. Love the idea! Good luck Sophie


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