
Friday, September 27, 2013

Flashback Friday- Wanna Parrrty?

I bet you didn't know that last Thursday, September, 19, was National Talk Like a Pirate Day?!  Totally true, and it comes around every year!  I really wanted to parrrrticipate and get this post up but it didn't happen so we'll just flashback to it.  Arrgh!  In fact, there are a whole slew of fun and dorky national holidays out there.  Today you can choose from National Crush a Can Day and/or Native American Day. You can check out a list of bizarre holiday's here.

It just so happens my daughter wants to have a pirate theme for her sixth birthday.  I love any excuse to purchase stamps (GRIN!), so I got the TAWS sets Land Ho and Black Beards Loot just for her party invites.  I had a chance to make one sample invite and this is what I came up with.  I struggled knowing that I wanted to make 15+ of these, I want it to be simple enough but still fun.  I am not sure this will be the final, we'll see.  Oh, and while I am at it I am going to enter this into the Wanna Sketch Challenge #9 and Seize the Sketch #4.  (Is that cheating?  They are similar sketches, though mirrored?  I hope not!)


Onto the Flashback!  Here are the questions and answers that amused me in the last few weeks:

Morning Blunder (9/18)
Q- If you think it is possible that your greatest strength can also be your greatest weakness, than what is yours (if you are willing to share)?
*It was really hard to pick an answer to this one, you all had great insights but I personally identify with this one (I do it myself all the time) so I'll share it-
A- Amy said, "Greatest strength = Greatest weakness.  Interesting question...I tend to be a yes girl and in my effort to do a kindness, I might over extend myself or most recently, it has been taken the opposite way. I constantly over analyze situations which can be good, if you take the good with the bad but sometimes it is just good to step away from the situation and say, it is what it is, kwim?"  

Going in Circles- (9/20)
Q- What has been your favorite challenge theme ever (i.e.- Going in Circles, Labor Day, CAS, shiny or sparkly, or anything else)?
A- Savannah said, "Answer: I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE anything goes challenges! I feel free to create whatever I want.... and then again, these are the ones that I tend to "think about" too much! LOL!"

In Transition... (9/23)
Q- If you could have a super power, what would it be?
A- CM said, "The super powers I'd like to have: deep understanding, tremendous, genuine kindness and creativity...oodles and oodles!! Great to don my cape and craft!!"

Now before you go don your cape and craft (LOL, love that!) remember today is your day to ask the Question of the Day- send them my way folks.

BTW- did you check out this weeks hop over at PS?!  Fun new sets and dies!


  1. Arrggghh matey, what a rrright handsome pirrrate you've crreated here! Okay, enough attempt at pirate talk from me; you card truly is charming. And a pirate themed birthday party: right on! My niece, whose 3, has a wee fascination pirate-y things, so I may have to go shopping. i had a quick look at the special days link: too funny! Our IT guys at work have been fabulous, so come Oct. 3rd, some donuts may appear on their desks. My question: still in pursuit of the favourite cookie 'go to' recipe...Have a great Friday!

  2. cute, the curled paper edges! so glad you could play along at Seize the Sketch!

  3. What a fun theme for a birthday party and how AWESOME is your party invite?!?!? Love the krafty cardbase and that curled corner. Absolutely fabulous, thank you so much for playing along with wanna sketch!

  4. oh this is too FUN!!! Thanks for joining us on Seize the Sketch

  5. okay, fantastic invite. I love it. x15+? OY matey, that's a ton of work:)

    I'm going to don my cape and get crafty this morning..cracks me up.

  6. Supah CUTE! he is a kick (get it, peg leg, kick?.... ok,, bad joke, I'm tired, hope you will cut me some slack!) ;)

  7. so cute! i love the distressed kraft!

  8. eek... Just taking a peek at your beautiful blog.. :) I am LOVING how you colored up that little pirate :) ! Can't wait to see what you make next.. HUGS


I LOVE getting your comments, they encourage me to create more. Thank you for every one of them you leave! Inky Hugs!