
Friday, July 26, 2013

Flashback Friday- "I Love Technology...."

"...but not as much as you, you see."  :)  Do you know where that line came from? about this hint, "Num-chuck skills... bowhunting skills... computer hacking skills... Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills!"   One of Thursday's answers to the Question of the day reminded me of those quotes from a movie (for now let's just call it the mystery movie) and it made me laugh to think about it.  So I wanted to share my fave answers from those questions with you.  So....Sit back, relax and read some funny comments/answers to my questions and..... there is a prize up for grabs here so you should really read on- wink!

Question-  what kinds of things does one (or all) of the dudes like in your life that might be a good card theme or gift for them?
Fave Answer- Sav said,  "not sure what the guys in my life like. It's only my brothers, father-in-laws, father, Poppie, and Trav.... So maybe music and technology.... Good question:)"

Question- how's about you tell me what shows you grew up watching? Where there any you particularly liked or some you didn't and why?

Fave Answer- Barb said, "I watched Dukes too, Luke...*sigh*"

Question- There are so many berries out there, some I've never heard of. So....what is your favorite berry and/or what is a berry that grows in your area that might be new to the rest of us?
Fave Answer- Kimberly said, "Berries....well we rented a small cabin at a private lake in Mason County last summer. I also invited my bestie over for a day and as the boys played on the lake with the paddleboat, we walked the lake picking wild Salal berries. They are somewhat like a cross between blueberry and huckleberry. Later we sat and chatted away as we cleaned them.
The funniest thing was we would walk and hear a ting-a-ling faintly..I fessed up and told her it was me - you see..I told her, We had to bring bells, as there could be bears..
Yup.....You guessed it..She wanted to go right back to the cabin..
I still have them berries in the freezer. It took us forever to get a gallon! Not enough for much.. I told her eventually I would make her syrup."

Question- How about telling me what you eat with PB sandwiches...jam, honey, pickles, mayonnaise (yep, had a friend who ate PB and Mayo sandwiches...), marshmallow fluff (that would be my hubby), carrots (again, hubby- he dips them right in the jar- ew!)?
ETA- My husband aslo east bologna with his PB- GROSS!  Apparently, I had forgotten about that and blocked it from my memory and didn't list it in my post.
Fave Answer- Sav Said, "Uh.... mayo and PB? That makes me kind of gag! I def. put bananas on a toasted PB sandwich... or marshmallow fluff... sometimes honey. MMMMM! Mayo-- GAG! LOL!"

I hope a few of these made you chuckle.  I found myself ROTF laughing when I read a few of these.  Now before I ask today's question I want to tell you that there is a prize up for grabs.  I have been *SUPER* lucky with my blog candy/hop/giveaway/etc. winnings lately, so I wanted to share with you.  Here is how you can win....Among those who answer today's question of the day correctly, I will use a random generator to pick who wins grab bag of prize stuff.  Interested?!? 

Well  here is today's Question of the Day- what movie did that quote come from?  You have until next Thursday (8/1) to answer.   I'll give you one more hint before I go... I made this card based on the movie and the movie poster.  Pretty nerdy eh?!

Good luck!


  1. LOL Napoleon Dynamite! Your card looks just like the movie cover! Me and my sister still go around saying "My lips hurt real bad!" My mom gets a kick out of him "feeding" Tina the llama!

  2. "I like your sleeves... they're real big" haha! Napoleon Dynamite -- best movie ever! :)

  3. You are so the answered that you shared. Your card is super nerdy fun:)

  4. What a hilarious post! I'm with Sav on the PB and mayo - Ga-ross!! Movie is Napoleon Dynamite - "What's your favorite animal?...A liger." Love your 'poster' card! Thanks for the laughs today - day brightened and smile widened!!

  5. Haha, Napoleon Dynamite! I haven't seen that movie in such a long time but my friend and I used to watch it constantly!

  6. love your daily questions! had i been smart enough to answer the berry one...i would have told you about the very angry grapes i had last week...gooseberries. awful, hairy little things. blech.

    on a more relevant note, i'm regretting my life's path. i don't watch a lot of movies. therefore, i have no idea what movie this is from...but i lurve the card! i'm going to guess that it's from ferris bueller's day off? i dunno :D

  7. Neapolitan Dynomite! Yes, I cheated because I had no clue! Happy for all your wins lately, Katie!


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