
Monday, July 22, 2013

Litterally enjoying the fruits of our labor

This weekend my family and went to Beringer Farm and picked a whole flat of raspberries.  YUM, my favorite fruit!  We had a ton of fun too!  I had to bribe my daughter to actually pick some for the basket by making it into a game, "they play hide and seek, can you find them?!  For every 5 you find you can eat one!"  LOL!  It totally worked though.  I can't really say I blame her for just wanting to stand there and eat them.  They are best straight off the plant and warmed by the sun...mmmm!  So we litterally enjoyed the fruits of our labor this weekend, we ate plain raspberries, raspberry shortcake, my hubby and I had raspberry mojitos (one of my fave summer drinks!), tonight we are making raspberry scones, and the rest will be frozen for later use.  For good measure I am throwing in an picture of my adorable daughter with our bounty! :)

So today's card does NOT feature raspberries, but it features another summer fruit that is pretty darn tasty...strawberries!  Is there anyone who doesn't love strawberries?!  Probably but only if they are allergic I think, otherwise they would have to be Ca-razy! :)  So this card is for the Lawnscaping Paper Piecing Challenge going on right now.  I lurve paper piecing and had sooo much fun with the various shades of red and pink for the strawberries.  They just look delectable to me.  I struggled making the basket, but loved the idea and the DP seemed perfect so I worked my way through it.  I feel that the banner totally finishes this off nicely.  It will make a fun love or thank you card.

So, with all this talk of food are you hungry yet?  Well if not yet, maybe you will be after the Question of the Day- Raspberries and strawberries are a fruit from my childhood, we picked them straight out of the garden.  We also occassionaly went into the mountains to do huckleberry picking!  DEVINE... but much harder to come by.  At Beringer we learned about tayberries, which is a cross between raspberries and blackberries- who knew?!  There are so many berries out there, some I've never heard of.  So....what is your favorite berry and/or what is a berry that grows in your area that might be new to the rest of us?

I also wanted to tell you I am LOVING the answers to the question of the day and I am going to have to post some of my favorite responses b/c they crack me up.  Not sure when I'll compile them yet, but how about a teaser for now....   In this post I mentioned I had a goat named goatie when I was a child and asked what your oh-so-clever pet names are two hillarious answers:

From Lyn at mypurplehouse- My first pet that was truly mine was a basset hound that I named Norm(an) after the character in Cheers - and just like the cheers Norm when people saw my little guy, they would yell "Norm!!" HaHa I loved that dog!

From Monica- My kids won a goldfish at a school carnival, which they named "Flushie" because... well... yes, they had to flush him days later.

  Have a tasty day!


  1. LOVE your darling daughter's photo, Katie! I haven't piced raspberries before and have yet to try that out! Must be fun! When my kids were little, we had a gold fish named "Goldie"--much like your Goatie! I love the stawberry card--the use of pattern paper and images are superb!! Well done!

  2. Okay, now how cute is your girl?!!!!

    Berry picking, that looks like so much fun. I seriously want to make jam too!

    Your strawberry card is very sweet...strawberries are my favs...use to have them everyday at work for breakfast, making them into a yogurt parfait, now I just do the Chobani Flips...

    Hilarious flushie story :)

  3. your daughter is soooo cute. I love berry picking as well. We are going to pick blueberry this weekend. cute and sweet card as well.

  4. Hahhaa love the goat story.

    Berries....well we rented a small cabin at a private lake in Mason County last summer. I also invited my bestie over for a day and as the boys played on the lake with the paddleboat, we walked the lake picking wild Salal berries. They are somewhat like a cross between blueberry and huckleberry. Later we sat and chatted away as we cleaned them.
    The funniest thing was we would walk and hear a ting-a-ling faintly..I fessed up and told her it was me - you see..I told her, We had to bring bells, as there could be bears..
    Yup.....You guessed it..She wanted to go right back to the cabin..
    I still have them berries in the freezer. It took us forever to get a gallon! Not enough for much.. I told her eventually I would make her syrup.

  5. Aww, such a sweet card! That basket that you created is adorable!! Thanks for playing along with us at Lawnscaping! :)

  6. Adorable daughter - and card (-: perfect paper piecing too!!! Thanks so much for plaing with us at Lawnscaping this week, hugs, Karin

  7. love this card! awesome awesome awesome!


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