
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Need a morning chuckle?

Well then I might just have the story for you.... If you aren't interested them scroll down to the last paragraph with today's card.

Yesterday morning at work I was extremely busy putting out "fires" and running here and there.  Well wouldn't you know that one of the shoes I was wearing broke... :(  I tried masking tape, I tried staples, I tried any office supply you could possibly think of, but nothing worked.  Luckily, there is an REI about a mile from work, so I thought I'd drive over on my lunch and get some new flip flops.

Here I pause to tell you that we are having a heat wave here in the Seattle area.  Yesterday we were filled with cautions of Extreme/Excessive Heat Warnings with temperatures possibly into the mid 90s.  OK, laugh if you will  (though this is not the part where you are supposed to chuckle...) but we are fair weather folk here and not used to the extreme weather.  My personal wilting point is about 77 degrees...I honestly think spinach can stand more that that!  Anyhoo, I wasn't about to walk several blocks to my car with one shoe and scorch the bottom of my tender little toes, not to mention that this is a city and well... cities are not the cleanest. 

My co-worker who parked in the garage offered me a ride to my car.  I accepted.  We get there only to find that someone has parked me in...doh!  OK, I write a note, a kind note, asking them to "please be aware of where they park next time as I needed to leave and....."  My pen runs out!  Are you kidding me?!  OK...breathe...find another pen... "...couldn't.  Thanks for your consideration."  I hesitate about putting it under the windsheild wiper as I stand on the searing blacktop, "what if they key my car or slash my tires?"  I decide the note is really quite pleasant and they shouldn't have cause, but take a picture of their license plate just in case. 

Meanwhile, I get back in Carrie's car and it dies.  WHAT?!  OK I am starting to feel like I might be a magnet for bad luck.  Carrie (who didn't sleep all night because of her infant son was up hungry throughout the night) thinks she is out of gas.  Um, seriously!?!  Not that I blame her because gas isn't the biggest priority when you have 800 things to do and only time and energy enough for 5...  We are on a steep hill so she puts it in neutral and backs down and turns the key.... in my head I plead, "please, please, please don't make me have to push the car with no shoes in this heat, please start, please start!"  I am pretty sure Carrie is doing her own silent prayer in her head...and... it does!  YEAH!  She speculate that her tank was so low that it just wasn't registering on the steep hill. 

We drive back and laugh the entire way.   We could have cursenot parked in any longer and there was no damage.  SUCCESS!  Phew, I've made it through another day and have a tale to tell all of you!  (Note- laughter is allowed at this point, really it is allowed at any point, but the part where I compare myself to spinach might be the best place to start!)
d and been mad, I could have cried from frustration, but it really wouldn't have been worth it, so we made a joke of it instead! :)  I just ended up going barefoot for the rest of the day.  I am not sure anyone at work noticed or cared.  I got another ride to my car at the end of the day and it was 

Oh, did you come here for a card?!  I nearly forgot.  Well here is my card for the Pinspired Challenge #12.  These colors are totally fun!  I think my card had the right "feel" for the occassion too.  The picture looks like a wedding reception and here I have someone (perhaps a bridesmaid or guest) toasting in congratulations.  UPDATED: I am also throwing this in the for Color Throwdown Challenge # 249 over on their blog.  Why not right?!

Thanks for stopping and I do hope you have a fabulous day!  I can tell you mine started VERY early but is going swimmingly! :)


  1. Sounds like days I have!!!
    Glad it all turned out and your toesies are not crispy!

    Super fun Pinspired card too!

  2. You poor thing! That was a terrible, no-good, very bad day!

    ...On the upside, you made a great card! :)

  3. I'm glad you survived AND had a story to tell. :-) I thought that the story was going to be that you went to REI and that they were sold out of flip flops because of the heat wave!

    Thanks for joining us at Pinspired Challenges with your fun card!

  4. That lady on the card is offering you a drink after a day like that! Great colors and I love the polka dots. I've decided I have a temperature tolerance that varies only about three degrees somewhere in the low 70s.

  5. Aw, sorry to hear about your rough day!! I'm glad that it turned out well! :)

  6. I love the inked background, the image stands out so much against it! Love your coloring too :)

  7. sorry to hear about your day. But it turned out bare foot is a doable option :)

  8. whew! what an exciting life you have, Katie! glad you lived to tell about it, girl:) LOVE your fun card and so glad you linked up at Color Throwdown! xo

  9. are so funny. I can't believe your day! Your card is so the colors!

  10. P.S. my melting point is like 70 so I'm glad it is cooling down!

  11. OH NO! Your shoe broke!!! That's horrible! What a story-- I would never have thought of taking a pic of the license plate! CLEVER! And oh my-- I can't believe there's more to the story... reading on right now! OH MY! What a day! I hope your friend gets some rest tonight and that you always carry shoes or flip flops in your car for the future! I'm so glad everything turned out ok!!! :)

    I love that background stamping you've created with the ink! BEAUTIFUL papers with that super cute image! FAB card!!!

    ps... THANK YOU so much for leaving love on the Virtual Smooches blog during the month of June!! I love sharing my videos-- and I love that you enjoy watching them:) THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

  12. What a day you had! A drink like the one in Bella's hand is definitely in order! Thanks for joining us for this week's Color Throwdown!

  13. My goodness! I am glad that it was all over...what an ordeal to deal with broken shoes and then some more... Your attitude really takes it to a different level. I admire oyu for that :) Your card is cheery and image is darling! So very lovely, Katie!

  14. yes, it is all you can do to laugh some days! I'm sorry you had such a rough day-but you handled it the best way possible-with grace and humor. :) Cute card! Love this! PS-you may not want to move to CO... as much as I always encourage crafty friends to join me here, "extreme weather" is kind of our middle name-haha! ;)


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