
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Hello Bluebird- BUNNIES!

SQUEE!!!  Those bunnies from Hello Bluebird are soooooooooo dang cute!  I recently discovered Hello Bluebird and I have to get my hands on them!  Thankfully my friend Kerry had these sweeties and let me stamp a few out. 

So this card, this darling card, with those darling bunnies.....SQUEE!  Sorry, I got distracted by the cute!  So these sweeties were colored using my Copics.  It was fun to make the one spotted.  I like to imagine them strolling along and having a friendly conversations about gardening and Mr. Robin is just flying by enjoying the breeze.  They are accented with this Lawn Fawn DP and the grass die and complimented with the PTI cloud dies and all cut out using an Avery Elle frame die.  

Here is another close up shot.  Don't you just love the spot around the left eye!?!  I think I might need to squeal again! :)

OK, thanks for visiting!

Entering this into: Fusion- Easter Bunny


  1. Awww, this is just as cute as it can be Katie! And yes, those bunnies are extra sweet!

  2. This is super-cute! Those bunnies - especially the spotted one - are gorgeous and what a great idea to use the plaid paper for the background. Thanks so much for joining us at Fusion.

  3. I LOVE the bunnies! SUPER adorable!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Crafting with Creative M


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