
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Almost, Almost Artisan

If you are a blurfer, you know that everyone is out there who's an SU! demo is showing you their projects submitted for the Artisan Award.  Whether they actually won the Artisan or are Almost Artisans there are some amazing projects out there! Well, I didn't officially enter (as you may remember I was having a terrible time with my last 3D project) but why not share with you my Almost, Almost Artisan projects.  :)  Actually, you have already seen a few of these although you may not have known it, there were a couple of cards I displayed here and here

This one was one of my scrapbook page submissions.  My friend Jason generously allowed me to use pictures of them from their second honeymoon in Paris.  The pictures were a little dark, but I think this page turned out pretty great.  I love the layout and color combo!  I was going to make a duplicate of this page to give to them, but since I never submitted I gave them the original.  Actually I gave it to my friends wife, knowing full well that a male wouldn't fully appreciate it, and she adored it!  Glad to have done it and it was fun to see the joy on her face.

While I am here I should show you my card for last Monday's Mojo Sketch 149.  I failed to get it up (posted) in time to actually be part of the fun, but it was fun just to make it!  I have to apologize that the color is a bit off, the greens aren't qutie right, is Pear Pizazz, but looks a little more Always Artichoke herre.  Ah well.  Oh how I love this Greenhouse Gala DSP, so bright and lovely!

Thanks for stopping by today and leaving your encouraging comments!

1 comment:

  1. Boy I hope this commenting works this time for me! I love both projects! It's no wonder your friend was so pleased with the scrapbook page! It's just beautiful. And your card is super cute. What is that paper the bicycle is on? Is that the specialty DSP from last year?

    Great job on both!!


I LOVE getting your comments, they encourage me to create more. Thank you for every one of them you leave! Inky Hugs!