First, let me give my disclaimer about my photos. One of my lights is out in my Studio in a Box, and I am having a hard time finding the correct replacement. Also, I was unable to loacate my camera yesterday but was feeling desperate to get a few of these pictures up on my blog, so took these photos with my phone. Considering they are from the phone, not bad, but still not great. Appologies for the poor quality.I was on a work trip over Valentines Day, so I wasn't able to spend it with my two loves. Instead, I got to see my friend Stacey, which was nice, but I did miss my fam. I wanted to be sure they knew how much I loved them, so I made each of them a card before I left and put it on the table for V-day.
This card is for my husband. I wanted to give him something nice, but perhaps a little less femanine (with the reds and pinks). I am not sure I succeeded in that, but I enjoyed making the card anyway. I played with a lot of different things with this card, dies and embossing folders, brads, punches and ribbon, it was fun. A little outside my comfort zone, I tend to like to keep things simple with less layers, but what the heck. I heard someone say recently (actually a quote from Shelly Gardner, SU! CEO at a recent leadership conference) that you can tell how much you love someone by how many layers are on the card. Well Honey, I sure do love you! :)

The next card is one for my daughter. This is a little more simple, which is a little more my style. However, I did do a few things here I don't do much. First of all, I used my pastels, which I have probably used only twice since I got them! It was kinda fun to use a medium other than markers to color in. I colored the flowers from my new Sale-a-bration set to make my own designer paper of sorts. The other thing that was fun here was using some hodgepodge hardware- again something I don't use much of. I know this card doesn't scream valentines day, but it says all it needs to, "Small Wonder". My little girl is a small wonder and that is one of the many reasons I love her.

Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for stopping by today. I plan to have two more posts in the next few days (again, they will be the poor picture quality, but hopefully you can see the good stuff that lies beneath).