I have been out there blurfing (blog surfing) and am enamoured with some of the color combos I find. I am so often stuck inside my little box that I forget to venture outside and then I come upon something fabulous and....BAM! it shakes up my world. It is so fun wonderful to look at the work of others and be inspired. One of the items I am currently covetting is Paper Crafts current color inspiration magazine. Some of these combos have my mouth watering they are so yummy! I haven't yet gotten a copy of this mag, but I will have it, mark my words! Isn't the cover alone to die for?!
So, with that in mind, I have been over at
Moxie Fab World playing some of there color combo challenges to try to absorb all the wonderful Moxie Fabness they have to provide. Check it out....
This is the first color combo I came across. I have to be the first to say that this is definitely out of my comfort zone. I look at these colors and I think ooey-gooey valentines and it is instantly too much for me. BUT....all the more reason to see if I can pull of a card with them.
So here is the card I came up with using these colros (or whatever seemed to be closest in my SU! collection)...
The next combo I found was the Jewel tones. Now I LOVE this color combo, but incidentally, it was harder to work with than I thought it would be. ... I think my colors are a little off here as well, but I was doing these from memory so I think I did pretty well.

Last but not least is the metalic combo. I really enjoyed working with this one. This is my fave card of the three as well. I am not sure you can tell from the picture because I still can take a decent photo to save my life. It is all about the lighting, or so they tell me, but I work from O'Dark-thirty am to O'Dark-thirty pm, so not sure how to rectify that. Any way, I think this is a nice color combo and a sweet card for a new baby girl.
So what is your fave color combo of these three? What is your fave color combo period? Do you have go to colors you immediatly pick up? Bop on over to
Moxie Fab World and check out these combos and other's for yourself!
Thanks for stopping by!