I know I mentioned Pinterest in my last post, and I have to tell you I absolutely LOVE Pinterest. It isn't typically my habit to admit that I love something super popular. I don't know why, but usually I avoid such things, I always think their reputation is over-inflated. I really hope I don't make anyone upset by this...but for example...when the movie
Titanic came out it was all anyone (...other women) talked about and they were weeping about how beautiful it was and blah, blah, blah. Now don't get me wrong, it was an OK movie but it didn't move heaven and earth for me. Because it was all anyone talked about all the buzz made me not like it. I think I just got tired of hearing about it, overkill if you will. So, what is my point, well basically that my MO is to
not like super popular things for whatever reason. So...when Pinterest was getting super popular I avoided it. This was a little bit different because I knew I would like and it would be a time suck in my life. But I gave in, I went and I pinned. I am happy to report that I don't do it
too much, just enough that I feel like I get good ideas and inspiration from it with out allowing it to be a time suck. Yay me!

So here is a Pinterest picture I just love. It wasn't this exact image that inspired me to make this card, but it was this notion of kiddos and bubbles shinning in the sun, but isn't this guy cute to look at?! I had the bubbles idea in my head and knew the
Lawn Fawn set Summertime Charm would be perfect to make my own bottle of bubbles, so I did. I was so excited when I thought to use the glow circles from the lightning bugs as part of a bubble wand, and I hand drew the rest.
That's all for today. I have to work now, but maybe after if it is sunny, I'll take my kiddo out to blow some bubbles! :)
PS- there is another blog hop over at Paper Smooches today, be sure to check it out!