Last night I wanted to post these and I had a lot to say, but now I am here it is early and the morning and my mind is drawing a blank. What was I going to say?!? Well I am not sure, so I'll just have to give you the low down on what I have been making the last few days. So,with out further ado...
...Actually, a little more ado is required because all of the below cards are considered stepping outside the box for me. First of all, this card below made with the Trendy Trees wheel (not the stamp set). When I first saw the set in the new catalog I wanted it, but I was trying to be better about spending, so I thought, I'll just get the wheel. After I ordered it, I was thinking, "that was dumb, it will be hard to color on a wheel so I will be stuck with one color :(." Then I had an aha moment. I decided to unmount the wheel as I have seen Mary at Stampin' Pretty do ( It is super easy, all you do is take an exacto knife (I am the only person who calls them that, everyone else I know calls them a hobby blade?... I digress) and cut along the seam of the wheel. Then I simply peeled the wheel up and I have my rubber stamp unmounted. I bought a long acrylic block to mount it on and some EZ mount ( or something similar, I can't remember the brand. This is so great for those of you that prefer to store you stamps unmounted as a space saver, because you can continually reuse the mounting product with different stamps, by peeling the stamp off and recovering it with the little plastic sheet. Once I had that done, it was easy to use once-wheel, now-stamp to make the below image, and it was fun to color. :) The other thing I did differently this time, aside from using this type of three colored layout which I have never done, is that I didn't include a sentiment. I ALWAYS include a sentiment. Instead, I added a few of those coveted buttoms for flair. :)

Speaking of buttons, you might notice a few more below as well as some rub-ons and DSP that I love. The funny thing about me is that I hoard stuff. If it is consumable (especially if it will potentially retire), I will want to save it until that right moment. However, the moment might never come because I refuse to use the product I love so much. So, this was a good exercise for me. This card doesn't have a sentiment either and it was a funky layout with funky colors which I love. To me it has a very modern and geometric feel. WHOA! Hold the phones! I am expanding my horizons!!!

Finally, card number 3. I stamped the image the other day using the Inspired by Nature set I had borrow from a friend, but didn't complete the card. I love Black-Eyed Susans which is basically a daisy like flower in these colors- example below- it just screams spring to me and reminds me of my dads flower beds in the yard. I threw in a few different ribbons to go along, which I thought were fun. The last little touch (which is a little hard to see) is that I put dots all around the border, white on the blackand black on half of the So Saffron. This is Faith Hofritcher's trademark, which I love. WARNING: Before you click on Faith's blog link, please take one last look at all my posts, because once you go there, you may never come back! Faith (aka Markie's Mom) is an extraordinary artist, her cards are amazing and I hope to learn a thing or two from her! OK, here is the blog link, but please, please come back to my comparatively rinky-dink operation!!!! :) -

So I guess I had a lot to say afterall. :) I hope you enjoy this post. Comments are greatly appreciated and always welcome.
Oh- PS- I get to go the The Lion King with my husband tonight, I am soooooo excited. If you come back tomorrow (please, please, please don't ditch me for Faith), I will let you know how it went. ;)