This first one uses the new SU! color Cherry Cobler. I have to say, I am really loving it. Maybe it is just this fresh new color combo for me, but it works.
This second one is masculine right- what do you think???? I actually think it could go either way, but it was originally intended for a man...before I added the rhinestones. But really, it needs them, they work right?
So what do you think, should I offer a special deal since it is my birthday month?!?! If you live locally (Seattle Area) and email me the items you are wanting from the new catalog ($50 or more in merchandise) by July 1st- I will give you free shipping. I know it is hard to know what you want, but that is why I am having an open house on June 30th (aka my birthday celebration)! I will have the new catty and lots of prizes to be won! Want to come? Send me an email and I'll send you the details. Easy as pie. :) For anyone who isn't local or can't come to my b-day party. Spend $50 and on the week of June 28th- July 1st and I will give you a roll of 1/4" grossgrain ribbon (your color choice)! This offer can be extended to those at the party as well in exchange for free shipping.
Cheers, enjoy the sun!