If you read my newsletter, you know that I am happy to be done with hearts! no more hearts for a while please! But... I did have a wonderful valentines day. It started out slow and casual and I made my family pancakes- Sophie got a heart shaped one. :) Then we took her to the zoo, and she is finally starting to notice the animals, so that was fun. We also bought her a mylar balloon- she loves balloons. Then we came home and relaxed. I enjoyed the flowers my husband and daughter bought me. We all made cards together- which is pretty much insane since my husband vowed to not do crafts. But how sweet, he wanted to make one for me since I love to make them so much. You should also know that he decided it is much harder than he thought and has a new respect for paper and stamping crafts. :) Here is the card I made for my husband and daughter using Cheep Talk. Mommy bird bringing hearts to daddy and baby. I used the new specialty paper with clouds, love that paper!

After Sophie went to bed, my husband made me a special surf and turf dinner. Filet Minon and lobster with baby carrots cooked with dill and green beans. YUM! It was really good, thanks honey!

Oh and PS- what did I give my hubby besides pancakes. A gift certificate to Gamefly- he loves video games! Happy Heart Day!
Great gifts! I LOVE your adorable card!
What a cute card! Love it!
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