DON'T ANSWER THAT!!!! The question was rhetorical. I am the one being the fool today. Althought I guess not totally, since I did take a vacay day and am at home in my sweatpants. :) And that is a good thing because it is SNOWING here. This is not an April Fools joke, it is snowing! What the???? I mean March I get, it is right after Feb- so close enough to winter but April? Man, what weird weather...So happy April, snow day, whatever.
Now why am I am fool (besides the obvious-wink!)? I wanted to make this quick post and was making the little something to put up here but I couldn't find my black ink. Of all the ink to loose, not the black! so I looked and looked and looked and after about 5 passes of the same areas, I found it (20 min later...). Thank goodness though, that is didn't get permanently lost, but I did feel like a fool since I passed it so many times.
To my credit though, I think the main problem that I have is that there is no space for my supplies and/or for me to stamp. Entering exhibit A below:

Yep, sad but true but this is where I store my stuff, in and next to the hutch in our "dinning room". I dont know if you noticed but there is not space here. What ends up happening is that every time I want to use something it is like The Hunt for Red October with Sean Connery. Eventually I find it, but how much time do I waste getting there?!
Anyway, whine, whine. I am not going to get more space- two bedroom condo- but I am going to get something bigger to put stuff in and get more organized so I don't go insane! I will probably still be a fool- lol- but at least not mental. ;) Stay tuned, hope to have a new system in place soon (and by soon I mean in the next month or two since I have a toddler and a full time J-O-B).
**Oops- that gives me another one of those mom quotes by I don't know who, "the term working mom is redundant." SO TRUE!**
OK, now what you really came here for. I know you were thinking, "stop babbling Katie, get on with the goods!" This adorable little box was pretty easy and quick to make (minus organizational mishaps). I found the example and instructions on Julie Korber's blog- So cute, so easy. This is the perfect size for a little Easter Candy- say an Cadbury Egg- YUM!

I used all SU, the new egg wheel for the Occasions mini, so appricot app
eal paper and the Tea Party DSP. Add a little coloring with markers and some ribbon wha-lah! Oh- just a note, the only thing I added to Julie's idea was a peice of paper to line the inside of the top of the box to reinforce it. You may have to read the instructions to understand what I am talking about, but the ribbon around is the only thing stabilizing the box sides, so a little something extra was nice for me.
Anyway, think I will make a few to send on to my neice and nephew, they'll probably destroy them, but that's OK. :) Oh and I have a card coming up later for them as well (tonight or tomorrow). Hope you enjoyed this (minus the whining) and check out the tutorial. Meanwhile, watch your back today because it's April Fools! :)