Happy Halloween Ya'll! Can I tell you about my cool costume that cost me $2.50! That is right, 2 dollars and fifty cents...and that includes tax! Ahem...thrifty queen! :)

Most years I want to dress up and have a super cool costume, but I never want to spend that much money on it and I usually wait until that last minute and have nothing. This is partially because my daughter's birthday is a few days after Halloween and when I have to choose, I put my time and effort into that, but I still like to believe I can do both. I did have an idea this year, I was going to be a "Wanted Poster"- you know like in the old western movies. It would have been pretty easy to make with some poster board. Well true to form, I waited until the last minute. However, the other day I was getting a few last minute things for her party and I was in the party decor aisle and there is was a Wanted Poster ($6.99) with a hole cut out for taking photos and I didn't have to do a thing! Awesome-sauce!!! I picked it up.... but then an aisle later I found a HUGE Ace card (I am talking 2 X 3 feet!) and it was $2.39. Um...I am going to cut a hole out so I can stick my face in and be an "Ace in the Hole!" Feeling so proud of myself for being creative and cheap! ;)
Meanwhile, my kiddo is going to be a Ninja. I love that my girl loves all
things that are traditionally "boy" or "girl" and doesn't feel pressured to fit a gender stereotype. Hello 21st Century! :)
Here is a quick glance at a card I made a while back with the Mama Elephant set Up and Away. Such a cute set, I just love it. I think this would be make a great encouragement card for someone. Unfortunately the card is a little dark, but that was before I bought an amazing photo box...oh well.
OK, we all know why you are here ;), on to the goods. You want some of this blog candy all you have to do is:
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So what do you say?! I say go for it, you know you want those feather stickers!!!!
Oh and for today's
Question of the Day- what is your favorite sweet? I myself love Reeses PB cups!!!!!
If you don't do sweets what is your fave alternative?
OK, now go get your Boo on folks!